Jan 26, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

Here I sit with my umpteenth sinus headache. I thought a cold was suppose to get better after a week. This has been getting worse each day.

Enough wining. What is the upside of a cold?
  • Nyquil! How can this stuff be available w/o a prescription? I sleep like an angel when I do Nyquil shots.
  • Soup. I feel like I'm 8 years old when I'm home sick and make soup for lunch. Then I can nap while the soaps are on TV.
  • Afrin. World's best nasal spray. If Afrin could clear my mind as well as my sinuses I would be a Zen master.

Uh, that's about all I can think of right now. I think I'll look up the recipe for a Hot Toddy...hope it has Nyquil in it.

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