Jan 5, 2009

Mini Book Review #1 – Garlic and Sapphires

One of my lame New Years Resolutions is to do a quick write up of books I’ve completed in 2009. I say lame because it’s not going to make me healthier, thinner or richer. But it will give me a chance to keep track of what I read and, hopefully, give you some book ideas.

My first completion of 2009 is Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl. This book was given to me by a friend who is a major foodie. Ruth Reichl was the food critic of the NY Times in the 1990s and went on to be editor at Gourmet magazine. She wrote three books about her life in food; this chronologically being the third. I decided to start with this one because my friend told me Ruth dressed up in disguise to review restaurants…plus there are recipes!

The author does an amazing job describing food so that you can practically see and taste it. She also analyzes the ego that surrounds the NYC restaurant scene. What I liked the most, though, was how she chose her disguises and the personality she was attempting to channel.

Garlic and Sapphires is a quick read and great fun. I admire how foodies and food critics must be ‘adventure’ eaters since brains and organ meats make me queasy. (Adventure eating for me is seared tuna.)

I have Ruth Reichl’s two other books and look forward to digging in.

(BTW, my other lame New Years Resolution is to floss my teeth. Now don’t you feel better about yourself?)

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