Aug 30, 2009

Dumb Headlines Are Dumb

I was online this past week catching up on news (and celebrity gossip since my People subscription is now history). I saw a headline that asked:

What's Next For Ted Kennedy?

This was Thursday. The senator had passed away earlier in the week. The first responses that came into my head were:

"Continued death" and

"More of the same"

Really. Who wrote that headline? A fan of 'Weekend at Bernies'? Perhaps the more correct headline would have been:

What's Next for Ted Kennedy's Body?

I mean when you're dead there isn't much of a next thing in store. It's kind of a moot point, right?

Upon further consideration I'm sure the headline writer is a recent college grad making minimum wage to break into online news. The problem is with the editor who let that go out. Unfortunately the headline was changed before I got a screen shot as proof.

So take my word for it. Either that or I was in another allergy-related haze. Which is entirely possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey...maybe....just maybe...Ted would have a commentary from beyond....I could happen right.....OK apparently not...Grea write-up! thx for the chuckle!