Sep 14, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream...

There's a fad I'm not hip with yet. It involves yelling at inappropriate times. The leaders of the current trend include South Carolina representative Joe Wilson, tennis superstar Serena Williams and rap master Kanye West. For the love of John McEnroe, what is going on?

Tourette Syndrome involves tics and may include verbal tics. We usually think of uncontrolled outbursts of profanities. Not true, I've learned during my in depth research. (Ok, I read Wikipedia.) The verbal Tourette's is relatively rare. So that doesn't explain these celebrity rants.

I got to thinking that maybe wealthy people lose their inner filter that screens out inappropriate verbiage and behaviors. Or perhaps this is related to the swine flu epidemic and is an early symptom of the illness. But if that were the case, right now college campuses, where swine flu is running rampant, would be cesspools of profanity (more so than they already are).

If this is the next big thing then I must get on board. Hell, I just bought an iPod Touch and have loaded apps. I'm hip and current. So here's how my yell thing is going to work: At odd times I am going to yell "Nordstroms!" "Bacon!" "Wine club!" Maybe I can get attention and create long, drawn out discussions on news websites or on talking head TV news. I'm sure my coworkers, friends and husband will be delighted. For sure I know Nordies, Oscar Mayer and Napa Valley will be cheering me on.


Trader said...

I love your last blog post and am looking for some good books to read. I will check some of these out while waiting for your first book to be published!


Unknown said...

Can't fly with your conclusions here Linda. I've seen it twice...for BS....not sure it's rich poor or middle...When it is...and definitive answer here just observatrion and MD.'s weird and/or not run of the mill mainstream....I'll give ya that much.....but it is (rare) and real!