May 31, 2009

Chicken Fried Happiness

Let me start by saying that I am not from the South. Sadly, I didn't grow up eating foods deep fried in lard (or, more healthily, in Crisco). But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good fried meal every now and then. Sure, it's not super healthy. But does St. Peter meet us at the pearly gates with his checklist?
Murder: No
Coveting neighbors, etc: No
Taking the Lord's name in vain: No
Eating a deep fried Twinkie: Yes. Please step into the express elevator to Hell

Since fried foods are not yet a sin I was thrilled to recently see Deep Fried Paradise on the Travel Channel. Delicacies included chicken fried steak (breaded, deep fried steak), deep fried pickles, deep fried hamburgers (you read that correctly), deep fried hot dogs and, my personal favorite, deep fried bacon. Uncooked bacon is dipped in batter and then tossed into a fryer. There is no doubt that this has to be the perfect food. Bacon all by itself is almost divine. Throw it into a deep fryer and it transcends other more earthly foods.

Here's the scene as the parade of fried foods marched by on our TV:
Hubby: Look of disgust; shaking his head that people are so gluttonous
Me: Smile broadening with each new innovation; gasps of delight as I wonder why I never thought of this myself

And, yes, the deep fried Twinkie, which clocked in at 700+ calories, showed up on my television as I clapped my hands like a little girl. In the express elevator to heaven, everyone gets one with some raspberry sauce.

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