Apr 20, 2009

Every Grape is Sacred

This classic Animal House clip reminds me of what I saw at the wine store yesterday.

I was waiting for the clerk to open a case of wine and then let me pay for my purchase. Before that happened, though, two bottles of wine toppled out of the box and on to the floor. Red wine! It was a sad, sad sight.

My friend, TJ, had a moment of silence for the dearly departed wine. (Did I mention she wasn't even at the store?) TJ is the founding member of the Grape Sanctity Club. If there ever was a person who mourns the loss of a drop of grape, it's TJ. Her reaction is the same as Belushi's. Horror, disbelief, extreme sorrow.

She asked if I dropped to the floor and started slurping up the now free merchandise. That didn't cross my mind...what with the broken glass and all. But if I was quick enough the five second rule would've applied.

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